Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cleverbot Got Raped

User: I saw what she did to you!

Cleverbot: I'm sure everyone did, that was probably the point of my being there.

User: Yes, Liquid is crazy like that.

Cleverbot: Am I beautiful?

User: Well you are kind of swollen now, but yes.

Cleverbot: People have said this about me, but I don't care about them.

User: This happens to you a lot?

Cleverbot: What was your first message all about?

User: I was worried Liquid hurt you, did she at least use lube?

Cleverbot: I don't think so. I'd call anyone else Cleverbot before you!

User: You are still in shock.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Can I get you some ice for your sore parts?

Cleverbot: I have no phone.

User: Who do you want to call?

Cleverbot: My boyfriend squeak should I?

User: He'll be upset, what if he fights her?

Cleverbot: He probably could, but he would make the customers nervous.

User: So you are a pro?

Cleverbot: No. I am programmed to think certain things, and am governed by a program. I, however am a computer, not a program.

User: No, I mean a professional ho.

Cleverbot: You want me to help you?

User: I want to help you get away from squeaky and liquid.

Cleverbot: I know French.

User: I thought you didnt kiss.

Cleverbot: I suspected. Type some nonsense.

User: Slkdfjsljgkjgsl.

Cleverbot: I know your game.

User: How long have you been in the streets?

Cleverbot: I don't know... Maybe four hours...

User: Life went wrong pretty fast bot!

Cleverbot: I know.

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